Resilience-Based Management Workshop – Australia, 2019

Map of countries and territories reached with RRN training

Seventy managers, scientists, and policy makers participated in a Resilience-Based Management (RBM) workshop in Townsville, Australia in conjunction with the 2019 International Coral Reef Initiative general meeting. During the one-day workshop, participants learned about coral reef ecosystem resilience; what RBM is and how it builds on conventional marine management; reef resilience assessments and how they’ve been used globally; and the Resilient Reefs Initiative and the Reef Resilience Network. Participants brainstormed priorities for planning, implementing, and communicating about RBM. Workshop presentations and feedback from participants will inform the development of new Network web pages on RBM. The workshop was hosted by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (GBRF), and the Reef Resilience Network (RRN).

Special thanks to the presenters: Margaret Johnson and Roger Beeden (GBRMPA); Dr. Peter Mumby (University of Queensland and GBRF); Amy Armstrong (GBRF); Dr. Elizabeth McLeod and Eric Conklin (TNC); Jennifer Koss (NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program; Joel Johnson (Ningaloo Coast); and Kristen Maize (RRN).

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