Communications for Corals in the CNMI – Virtual, 2021-2023

Map of countries and territories reached with RRN training

Reef Resilience Network staff worked with marine managers in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to develop a communication strategy and outreach product to build understanding of the value of CNMI’s reefs and support for reef resilience boosting management actions. Over the course of four online meetings with scientists and communications specialists, the CNMI team discussed more than 20 years of coral reef data and identified their target audience and compelling messaging for outreach. They decided to focus on local policymakers and encourage them to make decisions that will benefit the watershed and coral reefs. The final product (below) is a story map that can be used to communicate the benefits of CNMI reefs, their threats, and the ongoing community efforts to help protect them. The story map then describes actions decision makers can take to reduce land-based sources of pollution and carbon footprints and enhance coral protection efforts along with research and education. CNMI managers plan to use the story map during discussions with local policymakers, as well as during outreach with residents and tourists.

CNMI Reef Storymap

Story map: CNMI's Unique Coral Reefs.

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