Strategic Communication for Reef Conservation Training – Palau, 2023

Map of countries and territories reached with RRN training

The Reef Resilience Network provided strategic communication training to 23 managers and practitioners from three Resilient Reefs Initiative sites: Palau, New Caledonia, and Belize, to ensure that delivery of their RRI-funded reef conservation projects would have the greatest impact. Participants came from a variety of organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, university, and state legislature. They learned about strategic communication and applied concepts to develop a communication plan for a prioritized conservation objective. Their plans focused on changing behaviors in support of topics such as watershed management, sustainable financing, and fisheries management. In addition to the strategic communication planning process, participants learned about behavior change communications, storytelling, and video production to enhance their communication efforts in their communities.

The training was led by the Reef Resilience Network (RRN) in partnership with the Resilient Reefs Initiative and Koror State Government. Supporting partners included the Palau Conservation Society, Palau International Coral Reef Center, and The Nature Conservancy. A special thank-you to our coaches: Kristen Maize (TNC/RRN), Cherie Wagner (TNC/RRN), Michelle Graulty (TNC/RRN), Scott Radway (cChange Consulting), and Joel Johnsson (Great Barrier Reef Foundation).

Funding for this training was provided through the Resilient Reefs Initiative, of which Palau is one of four pilot World Heritage-listed reef sites. The Resilient Reefs Initiative is a collaboration between the Great Barrier Reef Foundation, The Nature Conservancy’s Reef Resilience Network, Columbia University’s Center for Resilient Cities and Landscapes, Resilient Cities Catalyst, UNESCO, and AECOM. The Initiative is funded by the BHP Foundation.

Learn about our strategic communication planning process and how it can help further your marine conservation work.

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