Site Prioritization and Validation Workshops for Coral Reef Restoration Planning – French Polynesia, 2023

Map of countries and territories reached with RRN training

In October 2023, The Nature Conservancy facilitated two coral reef restoration trainings led by the Coral Gardeners (CG) in Moorea, French Polynesia. The first workshop had 21 participants including members of the CG restoration team and scientists from Moorea. Outplanting sites for the nursery were selected using A Manager's Guide to Coral Reef Restoration Planning and Design. The second workshop was co-led by the CG to validate the restoration sites identified with the community of Moorea. This workshop had 35 participants including fisher representatives, Association representatives, and representatives of the local government and the government of French Polynesia. This workshop was a great opportunity for the CG to connect and communicate with local stakeholders on the progress and plans of their coral reef restoration project, as well as gather input on the location of the pre-selected restoration sites, and other areas that would benefit from restoration. 

Trainings were organized by The Nature Conservancy California with support from the Reef Resilience Network. Staff, partners, and hosts included: Dr. Tamaki Bieri (TNC California), Dr. Eva Salas De la Fuente (TNC California), Dr. Annick Cros (TNC/RRN), Dr. Margaux Hein (MER Research and Consulting), and most of the Coral Gardeners Moorea crew, including Titouan Bernicot, Founder and CEO) and Juan Bostelmann (Coral Farm Project Manager). 

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