Four participants from The Bahamas National Trust and the Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association visited Hawai‘i to learn about community-based management initiatives across the state, with emphasis on the State of Hawai‘i's
Makai Watch Program – an innovative program engaging communities in the management of their nearshore marine resources by building voluntary compliance through outreach and the reporting of violations to state authorities. Participants took part in a series of meetings with the coordinators and volunteers for the Makai Watch program, as well as with other programs in support of marine conservation in Hawai‘i implemented in collaboration with the Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, with NGOs, and community-based organizations. The learning exchange was hosted in partnership with the
Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute and NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program and was organized in conjunction with the
Pacific Islands Marine Protected Areas Community.
Read the report.