This paper compiles historical records extending back several thousand years to construct a global summary (from 14 regions) of changes in seven major guilds of carnivores, herbivores, and architectural species. The time periods are divided up into cultural periods; therefore, enabling analyses of human impacts through time. Results conclude that large animals decline before either small animals or architectural species. While the trajectories of decline are similar globally, the Atlantic reefs declined before reefs in Australia and the Red Sea. The timing of declines also provides resolution to potential causes. Most importantly, this paper stresses the need for immediate action to protect coral reefs from human exploitation.
Author: Pandolfi, J.M., R.H. Bradbury, E. Sala, T.P. Hughes, K.A. Bjorndal, R.G. Cooke, D. McArdle, L. McClenachan, M.J.H. Newman, G. Paredes, R.R. Warner, and J.B.C. Jackson
Year: 2003
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Science 301: 955-958. doi:10.1126/science.1085706