Visual Design

The Reef Resilience Network has engaged >4,000 reef managers through in-person and online trainings in 75% of the world’s countries and territories with coral reefs. Photo © TNC

Visual Design Best Practices for Conservation

Since communication is critical to conservation, we’ve pulled together some tips to strengthen your understanding of visual design as a tool for effective and impactful communication.

Key pillars of design are outlined in a one-hour webinar aimed to improve your design work or help you work effectively with a designer. A few of these best practices are summarized below to help get you started.

Start with the foundation

  • WHAT are you trying to do? Know your desired outcome.
  • Identify WHO (the audience) you’re trying to reach.
  • WHERE are you designing for (context and culture specific to place)?
  • These questions are the heart of your design piece. All creative choices you make stem from these.

The goal with anything is to capture your audience’s attention

  • You want to get them to stop.
  • You want them to read.
  • You want them to take action.

The Four Pillars of Design (to capture your audience’s attention)

  • Choose the right piece (and possibly a unique format).
  • Good design is dynamic and compelling.
  • Good design is good organization.
  • Good design moves people to action.

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