Headed to the Reef Futures symposium in the Florida Keys next week? 

If you are, please join us for:

Managers Meet & Greet Monday, Dec. 10 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Palm Court (adjacent to the Beach Bar). This event is to provide you (folks who work to manage reefs) an opportunity to connect with others from around the globe. It will be a chance to mingle, and we’ll share a little information about manager-related events taking place at Reef Futures and the new CRC Management Working Group.

Reef Managers Lunch where managers can contribute to the development of the Coral Reef Consortium Management Working Group. We will collectively brainstorm and prioritize challenges to be tackled in this working group as well as next steps to move efforts forward. Learn more.

We’ll also be at the TNC booth Wednesday night (5-7pm) – please stop by to say hello!


For those who will not be in attendance, we’ll bring the coral restoration symposium to you! We will be live-streaming – via our Facebook page – two sessions:

Dec. 11, 3:45 – 5:15 PM (EST)
Community Engagement in Restoration Implementation session will focus on harnessing communities to engage in restoration activities. Check out the speaker line-up

Dec. 13, 9:45 AM – 12:00 PM (EST)
Reef Restoration for Coastal Protection session will focus on building/restoring coral reefs to serve as wave breaks, as well as on modeling and monitoring the expected results. Explore the speaker line-up

To watch the livestream, go to our Facebook page during the times above. (If you haven’t already, you’ll need to like our page to join.)

We look forward to connecting next week!

Reef Futures 2018 is a Coral Restoration and Intervention-Science Symposium bringing together experts from around the world to share the latest science and techniques for coral reef restoration while kicking off a global effort to dramatically scale-up the impact and reach of restoration as a major tool for coral reef conservation and management. This symposium is being hosted by the Coral Restoration Consortium.

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