Halpern and Warner discuss various stakeholder interests and suggest potential reserve designs that meet the needs of both conservation efforts and stakeholders. Management for ecotourism and conservation should enclose genetically diverse populations and contain between 30-50% of the management area. Sport fishers can benefit from spillover of fishes from reserves that are large enough to maintain sport fish but small enough to allow spillover. Commercial fisherman need larval export to occur and will likely benefit from a network of reserves. Choices regarding reserve size and spacing requires the consideration of impacted stakeholders. When considering stakeholders and conservation goals, the use of the best science available, continued monitoring, and adaptive management should prove beneficial.
Author: Halpern, B.S. and R.R. Warner
Year: 2003
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Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 270: 1871-1878. doi:10.1098/ rspb.2003.2405