To better meet your needs, we have revamped our home page ( to be more interactive and easier to navigate. We have also closed the Network Forum due to lack of activity, instead focusing Reef Resilience Network efforts on other exchange and engagement activities to help you connect with peers and experts.

Forum members, your Reef Resilience Network membership is ongoing. As a reminder, Network membership benefits include:

  • Access to the latest science and management strategies, through online toolkits, databases of management case studies, and scientific article summaries
  • Skill-building with free, self-paced online courses, as well as mentored online trainings with experts from around the world
  • Invitations to webinars featuring hot topics in reef management, delivered by experts and your peers
  • Opportunities to share your experiences and science through case studies, webinars, and article summaries
  • Email updates and quarterly e-newsletters with new resources and learning opportunities

If you have any ideas for virtual engagements activities or are interested in learning about our experience managing an online discussion forum for 10+ years, please contact us at

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