Dr. Jennifer O’Leary, Marine Program Coordinator for the Wildlife Conservation Society Western Indian Ocean and Co-Director of the SMART Seas Africa Network provides an overview of the Network, which is comprised of more than 500 marine protected area (MPA) managers and community members in nine Western Indian Ocean nations who link science to active and adaptive management, ensuring that MPAs deliver expected ecological and social benefits. During the webinar, Jennifer shares insights about strategies used over 10 years in three East African and Island Nations to try to embed strategic adaptive management in governance frameworks and help MPA managers use science to inform management. Learn more about SMART Seas.

This webinar recording is part of a series featuring “building blocks” of of resilience-based management from around the globe brought to you by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s Resilient Reefs Initiative (RRI) in cooperation with the Reef Resilience Network. Explore other webinars in this series.

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