The Coral Reef Resilience Online Course is designed to provide marine managers and practitioners with the necessary background to support coral reef resilience in the face of climate change. The free online course is accessible to participants around the world, takes approximately six hours to complete, and consists of six lessons: 

  • Lesson 1: Coral Reef Ecology 
  • Lesson 2: Threats to Coral Reefs 
  • Lesson 3: Principles of Reef Resilience 
  • Lesson 4: Assessing and Monitoring Reefs 
  • Lesson 5: Resilience-Based Management 
  • Lesson 6: Management Strategies for Resilience 

This new course combines and builds on two previous courses first released in 2010: “Introduction to Coral Reef Resilience” and “Advanced Studies in Coral Reef Resilience.” Upon completion of the lessons and the course survey, participants will be able to download a Certificate of Completion. 

This course is hosted on The Nature Conservancy’s free online course platform Conservation Training. The lessons were developed with contributions from hundreds of scientists, managers, and practitioners from around the world.

Special thank you to contributors to the two new lessons on Coral Reef Ecology and Resilience-based Management: Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, International Coral Reef Initiative, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coral Reef Conservation Program, United Nations Environment Program, The Nature Conservancy, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Queensland, and the World Resources Institute.

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