The field of coral restoration has evolved rapidly in the past few decades to combat the loss of coral cover. Research has shown that coral reefs have exceptionally high tourism values, and travelers have greater desires to seek more sustainable tourism options. Restoration practitioners therefore have a unique opportunity to engage the tourism sector to achieve conservation objectives. 

In this webinar, experts discussed the benefits and challenges of working with the tourism sector and provided advice based on their work in Australia, Thailand, and the Bahamas. Topics included education, sustainable funding, and creating marketable experiences. 


  • Dr. David Suggett – Chief Scientist of KAUST Reefscape Restoration Initiative; Co-Founder of Coral Nurture Program
  • Hayley-Jo Carr – Reef Rescue Network Director 
  • Nathan Cook – International Reef Restoration Practitioner 

This webinar was co-hosted by the Coral Restoration Consortium’s Field-based Propagation Working Group and the Reef Resilience Network. 


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