Year in Review – 2017

Year in Review – 2017

Reflecting on the past year, there has never been a more critical time for effective coral reef management. In June of 2017, the world’s longest and most widespread bleaching event on record ended, with many reefs experiencing significant mortality. To address these...
Strategic Communication Mentored Online Course

Strategic Communication Mentored Online Course

This mentored course has already taken place, but you still find the Communication content here. Looking to influence behavior or raise awareness about an issue to advance your conservation efforts? A new Strategic Communication Mentored Online Course can help you...
Assisted Evolution: A Novel Tool to Overcome the Conservation Crisis?

Assisted Evolution: A Novel Tool to Overcome the Conservation Crisis?

Hear the discussion of the legal, social, ethical and scientific landscape of conservation genetics today. This symposium was live streamed as part of the Coral Restoration Consortium webinar series in conjunction with The Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and “The Future Ocean” cluster in Kiel.

WIO Reef Restoration Exchange

The exchange covered coral reef restoration projects in the Western Indian Ocean and Reef Resilience Network resources, including a new restoration module. Due to technical difficulties the workshop was not recorded, but view a summary report and presentation files on...
Adaptation Design Tool Online Course Announcement

Adaptation Design Tool Online Course Announcement

This mentored course has already taken place, but you still find the Adaptation Design Tool self-paced course here. Ready to get practical with adapting your management activities in light of climate change, but wondering how to organize what can be a complicated...
Manager Success Stories

Manager Success Stories

While there are many stories to tell, here is what support from the Network looks like and how it translates into real action for improved coral health. Meet the managers: Read more manager spotlight stories to learn about other projects.

Western Indian Ocean Post-Bleaching Assessment Training

Dr. David Obura and Mishal Gudka of CORDIO East Africa (supported through the Biodiversity Project of the Indian Ocean Commission) present a training on how to conduct a post-bleaching assessment in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). This is part of a regional project in...
Restoration Workshop Live Stream

Restoration Workshop Live Stream

This live stream of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration Workshop at the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force meeting was broadcast as part of the of Coral Restoration Consortium webinar series and features two panels highlighting research and restoration of sponge and coral...
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