Upcoming Webinar – 30×30 and Beyond: Improving Effective MPA Management
Register to join us on January 27 at 9:00 am EST | 5:00 PM EAT. Presentations will be followed by an open question and answer session.
Register to join us on January 27 at 9:00 am EST | 5:00 PM EAT. Presentations will be followed by an open question and answer session.
This new course is free and globally accessible, consisting of four lessons which take about five hours to complete.
Speakers provided an overview of monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, shared insights on practical MCS&E strategies, and discussed an application of these strategies in the Bahamas.
Speakers provided an overview of the MPA Finance Toolkit and share insights on practical steps managers can take to explore financing options for their own sites. Allen Cedras, Chief Executive Officer of the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority (SPGA), drew on his experience as a site-level manager and expertise in MPA financing to provide a real-world example of MPA financing in practice.
In July 2024, The Nature Conservancy in Africa hosted Reef Restoration Initiatives in the Western Indian Ocean for Lesson Sharing, Capacity-building and Networking, a three-day regional workshop on Unguja Island, Zanzibar.
First-stop resource for marine managers & practitioners interested in learning about sustainable financing options for their marine protected areas.
View the recording and resources.
The Reef Resilience Network and The Nature Conservancy in Africa are working together to scale-up effective coral reef restoration activities in the Western Indian Ocean by building knowledge and skills of the marine managers and practitioners leading this work.
Thank you to the 170+ Network members who completed our survey! We will be spending the next few months exploring ways to incorporate your feedback into our resources and activities.
View the recording and resources
Access the recording and resources, including A Guide for Integrated Conservation and Sanitation Programs and Approaches. This webinar is part of our ongoing Ocean Sewage Series.
Five case studies and seven article summaries.
RRN provided strategic communication training to 23 managers and practitioners from three Resilient Reefs Initiative sites: Palau, New Caledonia, and Belize, to ensure that delivery of their RRI-funded reef conservation projects would have the greatest impact.
The Nature Conservancy facilitated two coral reef restoration trainings led by the Coral Gardeners in Moorea, French Polynesia.
Managers met to discuss critical challenges and solutions in protecting ocean their iconic marine protected areas.
Continue the conversations about wastewater management topics via the digital whiteboards
Used the Manager’s Guide to Coral Reef Restoration Planning and Design to start the process of drafting restoration action plans for implementation sites in four countries.
Participants applied what they learned to their own behavior change challenges for addressing wastewater management and pollution.
Self-paced version available in English, Bahasa Indonesia, French, and Spanish