Dive Against Debris

Participate in or join a Dive Against Debris event. Dates Vary. In response to the onslaught of marine debris, one of the biggest ocean issues of our time, Project AWARE launched Dive Against Debris. Created by divers for divers, this global, underwater survey of...

Interview with Dr. Graham Edgar

Dr. Graham Edgar and his 24 co-authors recently stirred up the marine conservation world with their article, “Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected areas five key features”. In this article, they review 87 MPAs at 964 sites (in 40 countries) around the world using data generated by the authors and trained recreational divers.

Understanding coral reef resilience in Tobago

Understanding coral reef resilience in Tobago

Jahson Berhane Alemu I (a participant in our 2010 Training of Trainers Workshop) and co-author Ysharda Clement recently published the paper “Mass Coral Bleaching in 2012 in the Southern Caribbean”. For 6 months, they monitored approximately 650 colonies (composed of 30 taxa) at three sites across Tobago during a bleaching event in 2010.

Managing coral reefs in the face of acidification

Managing coral reefs in the face of acidification

In “Preparing to manage coral reefs for ocean acidification: lessons from coral bleaching,” Dr. Elizabeth McLeod and her co-authors discuss how management strategies designed to address coral bleaching can be modified to address the impacts of ocean acidification.

Hawaii Coastal Mapping

Presenters discuss a project which used participatory GIS to engage local resource users, scientists, and stakeholders to map coastal human uses at coral reef priority sites on the islands of Hawaii and Maui. The use of this approach in American Samoa’s Fagaloa...
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