Finance Tools for Coral Reef Conservation: An Overview

The Wildlife Conservation Society, in collaboration with the Conservation Finance Alliance and in support of the 50 Reefs initiative, recently released Finance Tools for Coral Reef Conservation: A Guide as a resource for protected area managers and others charged with...

Marine Protected Area Financing Tool

Reef Support is a new tool designed to help MPA managers collect and sell marine park fees to visitors. Developed by Ramón de León, former manager of the Bonaire National Marine Park, Reef Support is a simple, robust, and customized tool that offers not only a safe...

WIO Reef Restoration Exchange

The exchange covered coral reef restoration projects in the Western Indian Ocean and Reef Resilience Network resources, including a new restoration module. Due to technical difficulties the workshop was not recorded, but view a summary report and presentation files on...

Western Indian Ocean Post-Bleaching Assessment Training

Dr. David Obura and Mishal Gudka of CORDIO East Africa (supported through the Biodiversity Project of the Indian Ocean Commission) present a training on how to conduct a post-bleaching assessment in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). This is part of a regional project in...
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