
Staghorn Corals in Cane Bay, St. Croix. Photo © Kemit-Amon Lewis/TNC

Beginning as an effort to repair reef habitats after acute disturbances such as ship groundings, the field of coral reef restoration is rapidly expanding across the globe as a key strategy for combating declines in coral cover caused by climate change. Increased scientific and on-the-ground discovery has improved the science behind these efforts, with increasing low cost and low-tech approaches, making restoration a viable approach for many managers and community practitioners.

This Coral Reef Restoration Toolkit compiles the latest scientific guidance and tools to help managers, researchers and practitioners ensure the maximum success of a coral reef restoration project and the most efficient use of limited resources. This toolkit includes the following topics:

  • • An introduction to restoration and its role in coral reef management
    • Key considerations to be made when planning and designing a restoration project or program
    • Enhancing coral populations through coral propagation
    • Restoring reef structures for coastal resilience
    • Concepts of rapid response and emergency restoration
    • Restoring connected habitats including seagrass beds and mangroves
    • Guidelines for monitoring coral reef restoration

This Coral Reef Restoration Toolkit was developed through a partnership with experts from the Coral Restoration Consortium. We encourage you to enroll in the self-paced Coral Reef Restoration Online Course which is free and available in English, Spanish, French, and Bahasa Indonesia. You can also explore our case studies, article summaries, and webinar recordings from the webinar series with the Coral Restoration Consortium for more relevant restoration content.

Coral Restoration Foundation Nursery

Photo © Coral Restoration Foundation

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