Evaluating Success in Restoration Webinar

A team of experts from the Coral Restoration Consortium’s Monitoring Working Group shared an overview of their new publication ‘Coral Reef Restoration Monitoring Guide: Methods to evaluate restoration success from local to ecosystem scales’. They offered an engaging...

Long Island Sewage Story Part II Webinar

Stuart Lowrie and Christopher Clapp of The Nature Conservancy shared about a 10-year effort to tackle the daunting nitrogen pollution issue on Long Island and shift the paradigm in water management. In the webinar, Stuart and Chris highlighted the role of...

Long Island Sewage Story Part I Webinar

Stuart Lowrie and Christopher Clapp of The Nature Conservancy shared about a 10-year effort to tackle the daunting nitrogen pollution issue on Long Island and shift the paradigm in water management. They described their ongoing recipe for impactful and enduring...
New Guide for Reef Managers

New Guide for Reef Managers

The Manager’s Guide to Coral Reef Restoration Planning and Design leads reef managers through a six-step, iterative process resulting in the development of a Restoration Action Plan to enhance reef resilience and recovery

Wastewater 101 Webinar

In Wastewater 101, Christopher Clapp of The Nature Conservancy provided an introduction to the basics of wastewater, including terminology, how septic systems work (and fail), and how wastewater is managed, treated, and discharged into our oceans directly and...

Global Fund for Coral Reefs Webinar

Join us to learn more about the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR, or the Fund). This exciting blended finance vehicle will seek to invest US $500 million in coral reef conservation over the next 10 years!

Year in Review 2019

Many thanks to our members and contributors for all you do to improve one another’s ability to manage and restore the world’s coral reefs!

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